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Image by Kelly Sikkema

Alcohol and Drug Emergencies

Alcohol- and drug-related overdoses are serious. Know what signs to look for and what to do in an alcohol- or drug-related emergency by reviewing the information below.

If you suspect that someone has alcohol poisoning, even if you don’t see the classic signs and symptoms, seek immediate medical care.


Use the acronym MUST HELP to identify the signs of alcohol poisoning.

Signs of alcohol poisoning may include:

Mental Confusion


Snoring/Gasping for Air

Throwing Up


Erratic Breathing

Loss of Consciousness

Paleness/Blueness of Skin

What To Do

If you or another individual is experiencing one of the symptoms listed above or any other concerning signs:

  1. Immediately contact emergency officials by calling 911 to report the incident.

  2. Remain with the individual(s) needing medical assistance, so long as it is safe to do so. Turn the person on their side (in the recovery position) to prevent choking in the event the person vomits.

  3. Cooperate with emergency officials. Give them as much information as possible, including any drugs or medications taken.

If you or another individual is experiencing one of the symptoms listed above or any other concerning signs:

  1. Immediately contact emergency officials by calling 911 to report the incident.

  2. Remain with the individual(s) needing medical assistance, so long as it is safe to do so. Turn the person on their side (in the recovery position) to prevent choking in the event the person vomits.

  3. Cooperate with emergency officials. Give them as much information as possible, including any drugs or medications taken.

Medical Assistance Policy

Wellness encompasses a healthy body, a sound mind, and a tranquil spirit...
- Laurette Gagnon Beaulieu-JRR Tolkein

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